About Us
TechXcite:Discover Engineering was developed in partnership between National 4-H Council/4-H Afterschool and the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University.
The curriculum is intended to engage boys and girls, from rural and urban areas, in the rich and vibrant field of engineering through discovery-based Modules. Each Module consists of 4-5 Activities that build upon each other. Youth get their hands on real world engineering design projects while learning how to work together in teams.
Youth learn about: Prosthetic limbs that help people who are disabled from a lost limb; Imaging of the human body; Harvesting solar energy to power cars or other systems; Transportation; Wireless Remote Control and so much more!
TechXcite is increasing technological literacy for middle school age youth and their Afterschool instructors. It is increasing competency and enthusiasm towards engineering, science and technology, and interest in pursuing further learning experiences in STEM subjects.