Our Curriculum
TechXite: Discover Engineering provides activities across a wide range of technologies in order to offer opportunities for middle school students to explore aspects of engineering that are most exciting to them.
Biomedical engineering and technology could prove to be the most exciting field in science and engineering in the 21st century. Sensors and medical devices are making it possible to monitor aspects of our physiology that have never been possible before.
Bionic Arm Module
v1.9, uploaded 31JUL2014
Bioimaging Module
v1.1, uploaded 31JUL2014
Green Architecture
Buildings and bridges provide the infrastructure that has created today’s cities. Engineers are currently working on structures for the future that will be taller, lighter, and cheaper to build. Structural engineers need to determine ways of doing more with less material in order to save money. This theme will provide students with the opportunity to build bridges and design buildings. The rendering module will also look at how architects make their ideas come to life even before they are built.
Green Building: Rainwater Harvesting Module
v1.3, uploaded 31JUL2014
Solar Oven: Cooking With The Sun Module
v1.8, uploaded 31JUL2014
Wireless Communication
The wireless communication theme will provide opportunities for students to explore various wireless technologies they encounter every day. These technologies will include radio frequency transmission which is now utilized for a lot more than FM radios.
Wireless Burglar Alarm Module
NOTE: Critical component no longer available; will
be updated if a viable alternative is found!
v1.1, uploaded 31JUL2014
Your TV Remote Module
v1.2, uploaded 31JUL2014
Alternative Transportation
Through modules in this theme, students will explore transportation by air, land, and sea. Transportation has played a crucial role in the development of civilization. The first ships made the discovery of America possible. The transcontinental railroad opened up the western half of the United States for settlement. Cars and highways made suburbs possible, and planes have made it possible to cross an ocean in just a few hours. Students will explore specific modes of transportation and learn how engineers design them for maximum efficiency.
Quest for Speed Module
v1.4, uploaded 31JUL2014
Solar Car: Racing with the Sun Module
v1.1, uploaded 31JUL2014
Future Curriculum
Engineering World Health
The Engineering World Health module is one of the newest modules and does not yet have a landing page. For now, you can access the Instructor's Guide, Youth Handouts, and Parts List Spreadsheet.
v1.1, uploaded 31JUL2014
Developing World Design Challenges
The Developing World Design Challengesmodel is one of the newest modules and does not yet have a landing page. For now, you can access the Instructor's Guide, Youth Handouts, and Parts List Spreadsheet.
v1.1, uploaded 31JUL2014